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Jesus’ church is only ever one generation away from extinction. We care for every member, regardless of age, sex, language or culture. But our focus and strategy must always be looking forward, always on the next generation, always preparing for the church in future decades. When a church fails in this task, it will end as a piece of real estate not a living congregation. You see this in Scripture. Deuteronomy 6:2… That you may fear the LORD your God, you and your son and your son’s son. 2 Timothy 2:2… What you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also.

A significant part of this Biblical strategy rests on raising up pastors and teachers, ministers of the Gospel, for future generations. Thankfully we are part of a wider fellowship of churches, that is our Diocese, which takes this very seriously. We draw on Moore College, on the Ministry Training Strategy, on Student Ministers. And we seek to raise up Ministry Apprentices. Consequently, we often find ourselves sending ministry minded people off to other churches and missions. We must always remain kingdom focussed not merely church focussed, and especially in this matter of raising up Gospel workers.

It takes a long time for people to come to the point where they are convinced, in God’s providence and wisdom, that they should be training for full time ministry. And many who consider the possibility will decide that it is not God’s will and purpose for them. For this reason it is important to develop a culture where many are encouraged to think and pray about future full time ministry.

The need is great. Our diocese is looking at a future shortage of ministers and especially rectors (senior ministers), despite Moore College having a large number of students. The reality is that only a small percentage of these students will enter ministry in Anglican churches and far fewer will take roles a Senior Ministers. Many will go into mission, children’s, youth and women’s ministries, AFES, other denominations, and back into secular employment. (All of which should of course be a cause for rejoicing.)

Sydney for the Kingdom is a conference intended to help like-minded churches in Sydney network together as we raise up new generations of evangelists and pastor teachers. It is intended to help and encourage people to consider if God in his providence is leading them to train for these ministries, and to help equip them through a ministry apprenticeship. I hope you will be encouraged to know that about 20 people from St. John’s will be attending the conference this weekend, including three of the staff, Carmen, Jaison and Bruce. It may be that you would like to consider attending next year. If so, please speak to one of the staff team. And do please pray that God would be raising up people to lead, teach and pastor future generations, at St. John’s, through our Diocese and beyond.

Bruce Morrison
Senior Minister

Pray: Give thanks for the commitment of our diocese and ministry training programs like Moore College and MTS in raising up future Gospel workers. Ask God for wisdom and discernment for those considering full-time ministry, that they may clearly know his will for their lives. Ask God to raise up faithful leaders, pastors, and teachers at St John’s and beyond, equipping them to shepherd future generations for his kingdom.