The Cathedral is open every Sunday from 7:30am to midday.
Unfortunately, the Cathedral is not currently opened during the week due to constraints on our volunteers. We encourage you to come on a Sunday morning if you would like to walk around and take photos.
On Sundays, free four-hour parking can be found at these carparks:
You can find more parking options at Parramatta Parking Finder.
Extended free parking is also available at Westfield Parramatta for Westfield Plus members.
Our Pastors are available on Sundays after each of our services. If you would like to speak to a Pastor during the week, please email or phone the office and we pass your details onto a Pastor who will contact you.
If you need to speak to someone urgently, you can contact the following organisations:
Lifeline 13 11 14
Kids Helpline 1800 551 800
MensLine Australia 1300 789 978
Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467
If life is in danger, call Triple Zero 000
As St John’s has a special place in Parramatta and in the lives of many people, we receive many requests for weddings. At the current time we are only able to accommodate weddings for regular attendees.
You may wish to contact All Saint's, North Parramatta. CLICK HERE
We currently hold infant and adult baptisms, as well as confirmations, for our regular attendees on one Sunday in November each year. This is a large combined service for our congregations (over 700 people) to celebrate the transforming power of Jesus in the lives of those being baptised and confirmed.
If you would like to discuss baptism or confirmation, please join us one Sunday and speak to a Pastor.
Microfilm copies of the early registers, up to at least 1856 when registration of births, deaths & marriages was made compulsory, are held by many public libraries, historical and genealogical societies. These can normally be consulted at no cost. On these microfilms each entry is shown in its entirety. There is no additional information to be obtained by consulting the original registers.
City of Parramatta Council has a Local Studies/Family History Library located in the PHIVE building.
Address: Level 2, PHIVE, 5 Parramatta Square, Parramatta
w: History and Heritage
p: 02 8839 3322 or 1300 055 555
The full collection of our early registers, in high definition images, can also be viewed on-line at
CLICK HERE to for more information on our Archives.
For information about the cemetery and self-guided tour notes, or for details on the location of graves, contact the Friends of St John’s Cemetery. The Parramatta Heritage Centre is also a wonderful resource for information on the gravesites.
CLICK HERE for more information on our cemetery.
Due to ongoing issues with illegal rubbish dumping and concerns for public safety, we have had to temporarily lock the cemetery gates. We understand this is disappointing, and we sincerely regret the need for this measure. We are working towards a solution and appreciate your patience and understanding.
CLICK HERE for more information on our cemetery.