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Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father. Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.

– John 14:12-13

How are you doing with spending time with God this week? I’ve been challenged by the sermon last Sunday from John 14:12-14 to spend time praying for things that give glory to God because Jesus will do it. I have been praying for my family and friends to come to know and follow Jesus as their Lord and Savior for many, many years now. And although Jesus still hasn’t done it yet, I’ve been encouraged to keep persisting in that prayer, trusting that God will work for His glory.

One thing that has helped me to persevere in praying is the "1, 2, 3 Pray!" that was introduced at church last month. Even more helpfully, my brothers and sisters in Christ from Growth Group have been helping me to persevere in spending time with God. We have decided as a Growth Group to commit to doing "1, 2, 3 Pray" together to encourage each other in our personal prayer and Bible reading. Each day, when we have read the Bible and prayed through the "1, 2, 3 Pray," we send a prayer emoji in our group chat to remind and encourage the rest of the group to spend time with God as well.

Each morning when I wake up, I see someone from Growth Group sending a prayer emoji in the group chat, and that spurs me on to do my Bible reading and prayer even when I really don’t feel like it. The chain of prayer emojis in our group chat has been super encouraging as I see my brothers and sisters in Christ persisting in spending time with God and building a habit of doing that each day. I know I’m not saved by reading my Bible and/or praying; it is by grace through faith that I am saved, but reading God’s word and praying to Him is very good and healthy for us and for our trust in Him. I have found it to be such a privilege to be able to approach the throne of God each day to praise and ask our gracious heavenly Father for things big or small. Letting His word shape my mind and heart for the rest of the day has been so good for me spiritually and mentally.

If you have been doing the "1, 2, 3 Pray" or something similar, keep going! And, if you haven’t started the "1, 2, 3 Pray," could I encourage you to give it a go? Maybe do it with a friend or your Growth Group so together we can build a healthy habit of spending time with our God and glorifying Him each day.

Carmen Lau
Children's Minister