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I am one of the student ministers serving at St. John’s. Thank you for all your support and care across the past year!

Student ministry serves as the practical component of the Moore College curriculum, similar to a teaching placement or business internship. It provides opportunities for students to learn, try new things, and make mistakes before entering a full-time role. It also serves an important role for churches. Student ministry encourages us all to be generous with our time and relationships - investing in young ministers only for them to leave after two years seems strange! Yet, as St. John’s trains and sends out student ministers to serve elsewhere, it grows us to see God’s kingdom work across Sydney, Australia, and the world.

What does student ministry look like? You could consider it a mix of 3 D’s; “doing,” “demonstrating,” and “downloading.” We learn by doing as we are involved in ministries at St. John’s. I serve alongside our 5pm Congregation as a member, Growth Group Leader, and Growth Group Area Leader. We learn as we watch the Pastors demonstrate their ministry. We see ministry occur as Bruce leads a Monday morning staff meeting or Carmen gives a Kid’s Talk. Finally, we download learning through formal teaching. Each month, one of the Pastors will train us in a topic relevant to church life. In addition, each student minister will have regular catch ups with their trainer (for me, it is Jaison) to discuss life, church, and how God is growing us.

I’ve loved how intentionally St John’s trains their student ministers. I’ve loved the friendships I’ve made over the past year and seeing many of you dig deep into the Bible. I’ve learned how to lead a staff team and be a better preacher and pastor. I’m looking forward to another year of growing as a servant of God to be sent into his harvest field."

Bill Walton
Student Minister


Pray for our student ministers:
Give thanks for the intentional training of student ministers at St John’s and the opportunity for them to grow as servants of God. Ask God for wisdom and perseverance for the student ministers as they learn, lead, and serve alongside the church family. Ask God to equip them with the skills and character needed to faithfully serve in his harvest field.