This past Sunday we introduced our church family to our reworked Mission Actions as we seek to express our vision to see our city transformed by the hope of the risen Christ. A number of years ago we adopted a mission to Grow, Glorify & Engage.
The language we use is really important and it had become clear to us that while the concepts of Grow, Glorify & Engage were deeply helpful, the wording could be improved. So last Sunday we introduced our revised Mission Actions. It’s the same mission, just expressed in what we hope is even clearer language. We want to
Grow, Love, Tell. It’s the same mission but expressed in a simple format that we trust will be even easier to grasp hold of and action. To help us renew our commitment to these mission actions we’ve set aside February to think through each in turn as we explore how they’re expressed in Colossians.
This week we’ll be thinking about what it means to Grow as disciples of Jesus.
Where does Christian growth come from? Paul reminds the Colossians and us that there is only one place to go – Jesus himself, “in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” (Col. 2:3). That’s why it is, “Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ. “ (Col. 1:28). On Sunday Jaison will be leading us through the rest of Colossians 2 as we think about what it means for us to Grow as Jesus’ disciples so that “the whole body … grows with a growth that is from God” (Col. 2:19).
But we don’t have to wait until Sunday to start thinking about this! What will you be doing in 2025 to ensure that you are experiencing this growth that is from God? What are the choices we need to make to ensure we are turning to Jesus for all that we need? One key part of this at St John’s is our Growth Groups. It could be that you’ve not yet experienced the goodness of meeting regularly in a small group with your brothers and sisters as you Grow together (and also Love each other and be encouraged to Tell the world about Jesus)! It’s never too late to start. You can sign up today for a Growth Group speaking to your congregation pastor.
Our refreshed Mission Actions are an opportunity for each of us to consider how our vision to see our city transformed by the risen Christ shapes our lives – both individually and together.
How will we, how will you Grow, Love & Tell?
David Ould
Senior Associate Minister
PRAY: Give thanks for the opportunity to grow as disciples, love like Jesus, and tell the world about him. Ask God for wisdom and commitment as we explore these mission actions through Colossians, that Christ and his Word would shape each of us. Ask God to strengthen Growth Groups and other ministries so that the whole church may grow with a growth that comes from God and be equipped to live out their faith boldly.