We are a community for the people of Parramatta, as well as many who live beyond.
At the heart of the city, we gather each week to GROW disciples of Jesus Christ to the GLORY of God as we ENGAGE with the people who live in and come to Parramatta — to see our city transformed by the hope of the risen Christ.
Sunday 22 December, 6pm
Join us for a beautiful evening of Lessons & Carols at the Cathedral. Sing along to your favourite carols and reflect on the story of Christmas through Scripture readings and music.
10am – Traditional Christmas Eve service with the Lord’s Supper.
11pm – Late-night traditional Christmas Eve service with the Lord’s Supper, as we welcome Christmas Day together.
At the Cathedral:
8am – Traditional Christmas Day Service with the Lord’s Supper.
10am – Contemporary Christmas Day Service with a special kids talk, ideal for people of all ages.
At the Parish Hall:
10am – Combined Cantonese and Mandarin Christmas Service, followed by a festive lunch.
At the Marsden Hall:
10am – Persian Christmas Service, celebrating the season in Farsi.
Come and celebrate Christmas with us at St John’s. We’d love to welcome you, your family, and your friends!
Hear our latest Bible talks.